Tag: automation

  • Quick(ish) Price Check on a Car

    Quick(ish) Price Check on a Car

    So, is it a good price? With my oldest daughter heading off to college soon, we’ve realized that our family car doesn’t need to be as large as it used to be. We’ve had a great relationship with our local CarMax over the years, and we appreciate their no-haggle pricing model. My wife had her…

  • Kids Lego table: Case study in Automation for Design

    Motivation I had to upgrade the Lego table I made when my kids were much smaller. It needed to be higher and include storage options. Since I’m short on time, I used several existing automation tools to both teach my daughter the power of programming and explore our decision space. The goals were to stay…

  • Some tax-time automation

    I often struggle to find the right balance between automation and manual work. As it is tax time, and Chase bank only gives you 90 days of statements, I find myself every year going back through our statements to find any business expenses and do our overall financial review for the year. In the past…

  • Family Photo Management

    Post still in work Our family pictures were scattered over several computers, each with a unique photo management application. In an effort to get a good backup in place. I moved all my pictures to one computer where I accidentally deleted them. (Long story.) I was able to recover them all, but I had numerous…

  • Excel Sorting and Grouping

    I had two tables downloaded from Amazon: Items Order Date Order ID Title Category 1/26/14 102-4214073-2201835 Everyday Paleo Family Cookbook 1/13/14 115-8766132-0234619 Awesome Book A 1/13/14 115-8766132-0234619 Awesome Book B and Orders Order Date Order ID Subtotal 1/6/14 102-6956821-1091413 $43.20 1/13/14 115-8766130-0234619 $19.42 1/16/14 109-8688911-2954602 $25.86 I’m building our Q1 2014 taxes and needed rows…