Day: April 3, 2012

  • Basement Lighting First, some terms: A Watt is the amount of power consumed by a bulb per hour Lumens are a raw measure of light output Kelvin is color temperature – 2,700K (indoor soft white) to 5,600K is bright white like a fluorescent. this paper might solve our cutting stock problem: these lights:…

  • Open: An Autobiography by Andre Agassi and J. R. Moehringer

    Some books I read are entertaining. Some books give me a new perspective on certain facets of the world. Some books give me the ability to brag to others that I read them. Open did all of this. (Except that bragging bit. By the way, did I mention I am reading Thomas Khun too?) In…

  • Suffering reveals our true Humanity (1996)

    Our world is large. Billions of others are living as you read these words. Each one of them, though from remarkably different backgrounds, is strangely similar. They all have hopes and dreams, fears and desires. They all live-and they all die. They all laugh-and they all suffer. Yet out of these experiences suffering is the…

  • Truth (from 1994)

    In the political mire of our day, the word “truth” is slung around like a worn-out baseball. Every politician, religious leader, self-improvement author and educator seems to know what will solve all our problems. Truth is thrown at us from every direction. Why then does mankind face the same problems today that it has faced…

  • Die Macht der Religion (in German)

    Wir wohnen in einer Welt, die viele Religionen hat. Wir wohnen aber auch in einer Welt, die viele Kulturen hat. Natürlich gibt es viele andere Ansichten über die Beziehung zwischen Reli gion und Kultur. Sehr viele Leute denken, dass die Beziehung zwischen Religion und Kultur ganz ähnlich wie die Beziehung zwischen Kultur und Musik oder…

  • Athletics (from 1995)

    I often see parallels between interscholastic athletics and life – sometimes I win and sometimes I lose. And the losses are always more instructive than the wins (though the wins are more enjoyable.) Over the years I have won much – and lost much, but the basic love I have to compete has never changed.…

  • Back Yard Patio (small)

    This should perhaps be posted to the development side. But I put in a patio in the back yard today and wanted to share some of what I learned. Sub DrawVisio() Dim oVisio As New Visio.Application Dim oDoc As Visio.Document Dim oPage As Visio.Page Set oDoc = oVisio.Documents.Add(“basic.vst”) Set oPage = oDoc.Pages.Add ‘Set oPage =…

  • The Reign of King Mob

    After listening to seven lectures from “The Conservative Tradition” I have a much better understanding of what a conservative is and how our present understanding of conservative philosophy developed. While in the first lecture, Prof Allit explained that those holding conservative philosophies hold different beliefs in different periods of history, I didn’t really understand this…

  • Federal Employees’ Group Life Insurance Program

    As a new civilian employee, I am interested in evaluating my options for life insurance (next will be health insurance, retirement plan optimization, etc). My first question was if the Federal Employees’ Group Life Insurance Program was/is a good deal. My initial view was that this program was a good idea only for those who…

  • Home Document Management System

    how do i manage documents at home? write up how nice it is to use scansnap, acrobat + yep still need to think about remote access