Month: August 2013
Protected: ACSC Question 1
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Information Dieting Plans
Read not the Times; read the Eternities. Henry David Thoreau I’ve always struggled with how I process, manage and output information. I am basically an information junk food addict. I love consuming new and shiny bits of history, philosophy or modern commentary. A teaching company course catalogue is like a smorgasbord to a junk food…
Radiant to WordPress Conversion
First I had to backup my database from Heroku — so I created the database in PostGresSQL. heroku pgbackups:capture curl -o latest.dump `heroku pgbackups:url` pg_restore –verbose –clean –no-acl –no-owner -h localhost -d booher_blog latest.dump Armed with that and the handy Induction I then needed to get my data into a format easily imported by WordPress.…